Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form

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Luther College Distinguished Service Nomination Form

Terms of Reference

The Luther College Distinguished Service Award is granted to individuals who have shown dedication to and support for Luther College and its mission. Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have demonstrated ongoing loyalty and commitment to Luther College
  2. Have shown outstanding contribution and service to Luther College
  3. Have contributed to activities that have enhanced the reputation and overall strength of Luther College
  4. Are no longer active as employees or Board of Regents members at Luther College
  5. It is preferred that nominees are able to attend the awards ceremony or equivalent event in person, and are willing to participate in publicity for the awards ceremony. However, the award can also be awarded posthumously.

Nomination, Selection, and Award Procedures

  • Any individual may make a nomination for the Luther College Distinguished Service Award. To be considered, nominations must be submitted using the form below or to the President’s Office in writing (email will suffice) and will clearly identify how the nominee meets some or all of the criteria listed above. Members of the selection committee can also make nominations.
  • Nominations can be submitted at any time and will be kept on file in confidence for a period of five years. Nominations need not be resubmitted during this timeframe.
  • The award need not be presented annually, but will be done so at the discretion of the committee when a truly worthy candidate is nominated. 
  • The selection committee will be appointed by the President and will normally consist of at least one staff member from each campus, two Board members, and one or two other members of the Luther College community whether that be alumni, former staff, parents, past recipients, etc.  The President will try to have committee members serve more than a year at a time to give some continuity to the committee’s deliberations.
  • Given the two-campus nature of Luther College, the selection committee will normally pick two recipients, one for the High School and one for the University campus.
  • The award will be presented by the President, the Chair of the Board of Regents or their designate at a suitable occasion at the discretion of the selection committee (for example, Founders’ Day, a long-service ceremony, a Convocation ceremony, a Board of Regents event, or an event specific to the award).  If the nominee is not able to attend the event, the award will be presented in absentia.

Luther College Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form

Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("LAFOIP"). Luther College at the University of Regina will use your information for all administrative and academic matters and your information may be shared with the University of Regina.Your information will remain confidential, and will only be used or disclosed as authorized under PIPEDA/LAFOIP.

Should you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact Luther College High School at lchshr@luthercollege.edu.