Digital Subscription

Did You Know?

  • Smaller class sizes at Luther College means more individualized attention and better connections with your professors, classmates, and academic advisors.

  • You can book a tour of Luther College, the U of R campus, and our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, any time throughout the year. Contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

  • Luther College students are U of R students and receive all the same benefits. Upon graduation you will receive a U of R degree.

  • Luther College offers Bundles programs that group together first-year students and classes to give you a great start and help ease the transition from high school to university.

  • The priority deadline for academic application is March 15. To book a personalized enrolment counselling appointment, contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

  • Free enrolment counselling support and invaluable one-on-one academic advising are available for all programs at Luther College.

  • Wondering where to live? Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, is considered a great choice for first-year student accommodation. Individual private rooms mean you can stick to your own schedule and you never have to deal with roommate hassles.

  • To enrol as a Luther College student, simply fill out the University of Regina application form and select Luther as your campus of choice.

Ready to learn more?

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Luther Story Digital Subscription

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Should you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact Luther College at the University of Regina at