Remembering Paul Antrobus (1935-2015)

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In Memory of Paul Antrobus

“Listen to your Life” – In Memory of Paul Antrobus (July 5, 1935 – August 12, 2015)

By Barbara Reul

On October 4, 2015 the Italian Club in Regina, Saskatchewan, was overflowing with people – family, friends, and colleagues – who had gathered to celebrate the life of Dr. Paul Antrobus. A psychology professor at Luther College from 1973 until he retired in 2005, he touched everyone he came in contact with throughout his life.

Luther College president Dr. Bryan Hillis, Master of Ceremonies, read a heartfelt and often hilarious letter penned by Dr. Arthur Krentz, Prof. em. of Philosophy and former dean of Luther College. His memories made Paul Antrobus come alive once again, as did the accompanying pictures selected from the Luther College Archives: Paul as a young faculty member in the late 1970s; wearing a pumpkin head on Halloween; participating in student dances doing the limbo; playing “muckby” (a game he had invented to provide students with a chance to get rid of tension before the start of exams); working in his office as the listener-healer; and looking good in a checked shirt. Many more photos are included in the "Paul Antrobus Memorial Slideshow". Dr. Hillis also read a poem in memory of Paul Antrobus by Gerry Hill, well-known Saskatchewan poet and retired instructor of English at Luther College. At the memorial celebration, a copy of Paul Antrobus’s “Listen to your life” book (7th ed., 2004, out-of-print) were on display.  I was especially moved by two beautiful reflections which Paul had penned for the volume:

        Listen To
                                      Learning to live consciously.
                                      Finding and feeling your Life.

                                                                Here and now,
                                                                            we are this moment’s movement
                                                                            what we have decided and
                                                                            what we are creating.
                                                                We experience the meanings
                                                                             we have chosen to perceive.
                                                                We experience ourselves in what we cling to
                                                                            and avoid.     
        What keeps us from listening
                    is the fear of knowing                                   
                            the truth that makes us free
                                    and responsible.

        What keeps us in prison
                    is the fear of freedom,
                            the illusion of security
                                       in ego’s dreams and ill-usions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

A special treat is an article by Paul Antrobus entitled “Thinking and Choosing”. It was originally published in the 1984 issue of the Luther Story.

And lastly, 'Remembering Paul Antrobus', the feature article in the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 issue of the Luther Story, provides a brief history of Paul's life and celebrates the undeniable impact he made during his teaching career at Luther College at the University of Regina.


Rest in peace, Paul. We will miss you more than you will ever know.

Photography supplied courtesy of Luther College Archives.