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Luther College is recognized for its high standards of teaching, focused research, and one-on-one academic advising. We value and protect this heritage of excellence in scholarship, freedom of inquiry, and faithful seeking after truth.
Luther College students are U of R students and receive all the same benefits. Upon graduation you will receive a U of R degree.
The priority deadline for academic application is March 15. To book a personalized enrolment counselling appointment, contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.
Luther students can register in Arts, Science, or Media, Art, and Performance. Luther students are U of R students and receive a U of R degree.
Smaller class sizes at Luther College means more individualized attention and better connections with your professors, classmates, and academic advisors.
Luther College students are eligible for nearly $100,000 in academic awards – in addition to scholarships and bursaries awarded by the U of R.
You can book a tour of Luther College, the U of R campus, and our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, any time throughout the year. Contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.
Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, welcomes residents from ALL post-secondary institutions in Regina. Rooms come with a meal plan, free laundry, free wi-fi, and a great sense of community.
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Thank you for choosing The Student Village at Luther College, our student residence, as your home away from home.
This handbook serves as a guide to answer any questions you may have about The Student Village. If you need further clarification, please contact the Financial & Residence Services Office:
Visit: LC 110
Call: 1-306-585-5333
Administrative Clerk
If you have any questions/concerns regarding The Student Village at Luther College, please:
Visit: The Financial & Residence Services Office (LC 110)
Call: 1-306-585-5333
Residence Assistants
The Residence Assistants (RAs) are university students who live in The Student Village. The RAs are responsible for the day-to-day activities and needs of the students living in the residence. They are available 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week with two RAs always being on duty. The RA cell phone number is posted in the residence lobby. Please call for assistance and state your name and room number; do not text.
Senior Residence Assistant(s)
Senior Residence Assistants (SRAs) are also university students who live in The Student Village. The SRAs are responsible for supporting and mentoring the RA team as well as working closely with the Manager of Residence & Conference Services to plan Residence programming and respond to the needs and concerns of both the RAs and students in the residence.
Manager of Financial and Residence Services
The Manager of Financial & Residence Services is responsible for working with the SRAs and RAs in the planning of Residence programming, offering support, and responding to residents and RAs/SRAs needs and concerns. To contact the Manager of Financial & Residence Services, please:
Visit: LC 110.6
Call: 1-306-206-2119
Manager of Dining Services
The Manager of Dining Services and staff are responsible for providing students, faculty, and staff with healthy and nutritious meals. Each year, students living in The Student Village are treated to a variety of special menus, as well as our regular menus. If you have any allergies, special diet requirements, compliments or concerns, please talk to The Manager of Dining Services:
Visit: Office LC 103
Call: 1-306-206-2027
Maintenance Department
The Manager of Physical Plant and staff are responsible for performing routine maintenance, doing repairs, and all work to the Luther buildings. To request maintenance or repairs, please submit a work order and provide complete information for your request: who, what and where.
The Housekeeping Supervisor and staff are responsible for sanitation of The Student Village and Academic Wing on a daily basis. Residents are still responsible for cleaning up after themselves, ensuring the washrooms, shower rooms and lounge areas are kept generally clean and tidy. Washrooms and showers are fully cleaned daily by the housekeeping team.
Chaplain and Peer Chaplains
The faculty and staff at Luther College represent many religious faiths and denominations, and we encourage you to explore your own spirituality. Our Luther Chaplain and Peer Chaplains are available to explore questions of faith no matter what your background is and encourage spiritual reflection through one-one one discussion, services, events, Bible studies, and retreats. Although you are not required to attend any of the events, you are encouraged to participate as they are fun ways to get to know yourself and other fellow students.
Need someone to talk with on a non-spiritual topic? Our Peer Chaplains are also available as great sources to listen and provide guidance on any topic.
Your contract with The Student Village at Luther College covers Fall & Winter semesters, starts on the day you sign the agreement or Move-In Day, and ends 24-hours after your last final exam of each semester. All requests for alternate arrangements must be submitted to, and approved by, the Manager of Residence & Conference Services. If at any time during the semester your student status changes, you must inform the Residence Office immediately.
NOTE: Luther College and the University of Regina campuses are closed during the Christmas break, and residents are expected to turn in their residence key/fob/card during this time. Any students living in The Student Village for both the Fall and Winter semesters, may leave their belongings in their room over this holiday break, or can apply to stay and pay for the additional stay in TSV over the Christmas break. No dining services are available during this closure.
Click to review the Student Village at Luther College fees. You are required to pay for your damage deposit and first month’s rent upon arrival. Fees can be paid prior to arrival by visiting the Financial & Residence Services Office (LC 110), by contacting 1-306-585-5333 or 1- 800-LUTHERU from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. We accept cash, cheque, debit, VISA, or MasterCard.
If you arrive before the designated move-in day or stay past 24-hours after your last final exam, a daily fee will apply. Late arrival or early move-out does not affect your fees; however, no refund will be given.
Late Payments
It is important to pay your fees as scheduled. Late payment penalties are applied to outstanding accounts. If fees are not paid it will result in immediate eviction.
Your Student Village contract may not be renewed if, during your stay in residence, there have been two or more irregularities in your payments. This includes returned cheques, late payments and/or outstanding debt. If you have an outstanding balance, you will not be able to register for courses the following semester, as a hold will be placed on your university account.
In accordance with University policy, your transcript and/or diploma will be withheld until you have paid all outstanding fees.
Check-In Procedure:
A Residence Assistant (RA) will:
Check-Out Procedure:
You will be responsible to pay for any uncleanliness, damages and/or missing items from your room including any items or glue stuck on walls, nails, screws or tacks driven into the walls or furniture, furniture not moved back, etc.
The Student Village at Luther College consists of eight quads on four floors.
Each quad has:
*Each furnished room contains:
Students living on each quad are responsible for the condition and cleanliness of the common areas and lounges. Charges will be assigned to all students of a quad for uncleanliness, damages, and/or missing items from these areas.
The Cellar & Laundry Room
Each resident has 24-hour access to The Cellar, which is a multi-use area located in the basement level of The Student Village. There is cable TV, pool, foosball table, and air hockey table available to all residents. Microwaves in The Cellar kitchenette are also provided for residents to make snacks. The Laundry rooms is accessible 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week to residents, and there is no cost to use the machines. Please do not leave any running appliance (laundry machines or microwaves) and stay with your food/clothing until done with the appliance.
Remember that you live on a non-smoking campus. City of Regina by-laws require all smoking activities to be outside and away from buildings. This includes tobacco cigarettes and vaping products that produce smoke/vapour in the air. Fire detection systems pick up heat or particulate in the air, they are not specific to what kind of particulate – even a small amount of dust, water vapour or smoke can set them off.
The University of Regina Smoke-Free Campus policy is in effect.
“Smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited:
Advertising or the sale of smoking and tobacco products on all University of Regina campuses is prohibited.
Smoking definition: to inhale, exhale, burn, carry or possess lighted tobacco, cannabis (marijuana) or other herbal products, including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobacco, hookahs, or other products capable of being smoked, or to burn, vaporize or atomize any products for inhalation including tobacco or illegal substances (e.g. cannabis marijuana with the exception of marijuana used for medication purposes).”
Your Room
Do not give out or duplicate your room key and/or fob. If you lose your key and fob, please report it to any member of residence staff right away. A key/fob replacement cost of $100.00 will be required; your lock will be re-keyed for security.
When leaving your room, make sure to close your window, turn off your lights, and lock your room door. Remember to turn off your wake up alarms if you are going to be away on a weekend!
You are responsible for insurance coverage on all of your personal possessions. Luther College assumes no responsibility for personal lost, stolen or damaged items under any circumstances.
Parking and Bus Service
To apply for a parking spot, you must contact the University of Regina Parking Office at 1-306-585-5555; you can also apply online. Be sure to indicate that you are a Luther Resident.
There is a City of Regina bus stop in the parking lot on the south side of The Student Village at Luther College as well as other bus stops around the campus. For information on bus fares and schedules, visit the City of Regina’s Transit Services website.
Maintenance and Housekeeping
Students are prohibited from providing their own maintenance and/or alterations. You are responsible for the ordinary cleanliness of your room and all areas of Luther. To keep The Student Village in proper working order, please make sure to do the following:
If you notice something in need of repair, please fill out an online work order form or talk to residence staff.
Dining Services
Each resident has a photo meal plan card to identify them and their meal plan. You must present & scan your meal card at each meal. You cannot share your meals or meal plan with anyone, one meal plan per resident, and you are responsible to manage your chosen meal plan. If you have any questions about your meal plan, please talk with the Manager of Dining Services.
Food must be consumed in the Luther Cafeteria except for separately purchased items and approved bagged lunches. If you are unable to come to the Cafeteria because of an illness, you may arrange for food to be brought to your room; please contact your RA or a member of the Dining Services Staff to make these arrangements. Do not remove any food, cutlery and/or dishes or other items from the Luther Cafeteria without permission.
Please dress appropriately with clothes and shoes in the Luther Cafeteria, to help us have a comfortable environment for everyone. We request that you do not wear any of the following items in the Cafeteria: halter tops, bra tops, muscle shirts, short shorts, swimwear and sleepwear/pajama-like clothes. Luther Dining Services and Residence Staff have the right to request that anyone wearing clothing deemed as inappropriate or offensive leave the Cafeteria.
Security and Guests
Each resident is responsible for any person that they let into the building at all times. It is very important that you only let people you know into the building. Never open a security door to a stranger or prop open any doors. If you notice a person hanging around The Student Village, who is not the guest of yourself or another resident, please report them immediately to The Student Village staff.
If you wish to invite a friend or family member to stay overnight, you must get permission from your RA and/or the Manager of Residence & Conference Services. You are responsible for your guest. Any guests acting inappropriately will be asked to leave the premises immediately and you will be held responsible and/or fined for any unacceptable behaviour or damages caused by your guest.
Any guest staying 2 consecutive nights or more will be required to pay a short-term stay rate. Guests can inquire about rates at the Financial and Residence Services Office (LC110). Any resident and/or guest abusing the policy will have the overnight rate charge automatically applied to their residence billing account.
Residence Mail and Telephone
Your mailing address is:
c/o Luther College LC 110
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Canada
Your mail and parcels will come to office LC 110. Letters can be forwarded for 30 days after you leave, but parcels cannot be forwarded. Please notify all your correspondents of your address change.
Your room phone is 1-306-352-1338 ext. 3 _ _ _ (add your 3 digit room number) You have local phone service provided in your room.
Violations of Luther policies may lead to disciplinary action by Luther College. Where such action is necessary, residents may also face civil or criminal prosecution. The Manager of Residence & Conference Services, Residence Assistants, Office Administrative Clerk, security personnel, and all other Luther College staff serve as authorized officials.
Each resident is responsible for acting with respect to maintain our community living standards and agrees that:
Depending on the severity of the standards infringement as perceived by Luther staff, the following actions may apply:
Strike 1: Verbal warning from Luther staff.
Strike 2: Verbal warning from Luther staff.
Strike 3: Written warning of final contract notice and/or 48-hour suspension from the Residence at the discretion of the Manager of Residence & Conference Services.
Strike 4: The student’s contract is cancelled and the student is permanently evicted from residence. No fees will be reduced nor refunded for the semester. Visitation privileges are revoked.
If Luther deems The Student Village contract violation as severe, Luther reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately and evict the resident without any warnings.
Failure to comply with The Student Village at Luther College rules and responsibilities may result in one or more of the following consequences (not in particular order, at the discretion of the Manager of Residence & Conference Services):
When you sign The Student Village at Luther College Contract, you agree that Residence Staff, Maintenance or Housekeeping Staff, or other authorized Luther College employees or contractors may enter your room or quad at any time for the reasons of health, cleanliness, safety or general welfare, for repairs or maintenance, to inspect for compliance with any rules, regulations or laws.
We respect your right to freedom from illegal or unreasonable searches and invasions of privacy. Nevertheless, the entry into or the search of the living quarters of a resident may be conducted when needed. Room inspections by Residence Staff may be scheduled or unscheduled, depending on the circumstances and the purpose of the inspection. The student shall be notified after the inspection has taken place.
Rooms and quads may be entered:
Harassment of any type, such as sexual, racial, or otherwise is a serious matter and will be treated confidentially. Luther College and the University of Regina have policies and procedures in place to deal fairly with these serious offences. You are welcome to talk with a Luther staff member about Luther’s Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policies as well as the policies for the U of R, or to talk with the campus Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Office. Anyone identified as being involved in these acts will be referred for legal and disciplinary action.
Anyone being harassed or slandered should keep thorough written/printed documentation of the events and evidence and bring this to an RA or Residence staff. Other Luther and University of Regina staff members are available to offer support to residents that are affected.
Quiet hours are in effect from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. daily. These hours can be extended when necessary. 24- hour quiet is in effect during the university final exam period.
All residents have the right to study and sleep in their room at any time, without unnecessary interruption. Residents are not allowed to cause or permit noise that disturbs others or exhibit disorderly conduct in the residence or on university grounds. If a problem should arise, please politely confront it at the time of the incident. If you need assistance, please call an RA immediately
You are not permitted to be in possession of, or associated with, the use or sale of illegal substances. Drug-related paraphernalia is not permitted. The use or sale of controlled substances is a serious offense and the resident will be asked to permanently and immediately vacate The Student Village at Luther College without notice at the time of the incident.
Refer to the community living standards for information about alcohol. If a resident has a suspected substance abuse problem, disciplinary action will be taken and counselling for the resident may be mandated.
Luther’s fire safety equipment (smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, door closers) is very sensitive to protect residents and guests.
Please do not touch or hang anything off of the sprinkler heads. Serious water damage may result, and you are liable for damages you cause.
Smoking and vaping is only permitted off campus. Any particulate in the air may be detected by sensors causing false alarms.
Any resident violating fire policies will be referred for disciplinary action and criminal prosecution, and may be evicted immediately.
Lamps with halogen bulbs and/or Torchiere style lamps, as well as any cooking or heating appliance and space heaters are not allowed for fire safety reasons.
All suicide threats or attempts, behaviours putting yourself or others at risk, and potential threats of harm to yourself and others will all be considered serious events that require an intervention. Residence Staff may require the persons involved to have medical and/or psychological evaluation and treatment involving U of R Counselling Services or other professionals.
Gambling is not permitted in Luther College.
General solicitation or advertising in Luther College is strictly prohibited. All advertising or posting of information must first be approved and stamped by the Financial & Residence Office (LC 110).
Residents are not allowed on outside ledges or roof areas of any Luther facility, except for on balconies in a safe manner. Any resident seen on the roof or elsewhere climbing, will be referred for disciplinary action and charged for damages. Climbing balconies is not permitted.
Everyone on campus will be required to comply with all campus pandemic rules and regulations in place at the time. Click here for updates. If you have any questions about The Student Village at Luther College, please be sure to contact us at 1-306- 585-5333 or
We hope you enjoy your stay at The Student Village at Luther College!
c/o Luther College LC110
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2