Tools for Success

Did You Know?

  • The Luther Library has over 24,000 items in its collection, 5,000 books checked out per year, and 7,000 students who come through its door per month.

  • Luther College students are eligible for nearly $100,000 in academic awards – in addition to scholarships and bursaries awarded by the U of R.

  • Wondering where to live? Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, is considered a great choice for first-year student accommodation. Individual private rooms mean you can stick to your own schedule and you never have to deal with roommate hassles.

  • Luther College offers Bundles programs that group together first-year students and classes to give you a great start and help ease the transition from high school to university.

  • Luther College is a great choice for high school to university transition. Enjoy all the benefits of a larger campus, without feeling lost in the crowd. Our community is full of caring mentors and peers to ensure a positive student experience.

  • Eating better means studying better. The Luther Cafeteria offers fresh, healthy, nutritious meals seven days a week with a self-serve “all-you-care-to-eat” concept students prefer.

  • You can book a tour of Luther College, the U of R campus, and our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, any time throughout the year. Contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

  • Luther College students are U of R students and receive all the same benefits. Upon graduation you will receive a U of R degree.

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Tools for Success

In the world of learning it is important for students to have access to technology such as laptops, iPads and access to items like Podcast Studio equipment and portable recording kits. By providing donations to this fund you are helping us to stock our library with these items for students use. These tools help our students to succeed in their university studies. Your donation helps the Luther College Library continue to be a leader in learning technology.