Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Volunteer Opportunities Form



  Yes, I can help with this event.

  Building Sets
  Lion's Den Store

  Yes, I would host a student for the holidays.
  No, I am not interested.

  Lion's Den Store
  I have a business that can sponsor this event.

  Yes, I will help with tasks like serving, clean up, decorating.
  No, I cannot help.
  I would be interested in chairing/co-chairing this event.



  I would be interested in chairing/co-chairing this event.


Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”). Luther College Regina will use your personal information for all administrative and academic matters.

Your information will remain confidential, and will only be used or disclosed for internal purposes and as authorized under PIPEDA.

Should you have any questions about the collection of information, please email