Attendance Guidelines and Absences






Attendance Reporting

If a student is sick or not going to be at school for a valid reason, the parent or guardian must contact the general office at that day. Dorm student absences are cleared by a dean or school nurse.

If a student will be absent from school for an extended period, we ask the parents or guardians to contact the school administration by email as well as each respective teacher(s) before the absence occurs.

Students who have been marked late or absent erroneously need to speak with their teachers. The general office will correct attendance errors upon receiving an email notification from the teacher.

Regular attendance in classes is compulsory and the responsibility of each student. Repeated absence of classes lowers a students chance for success and disrupts the continuity of the class. When a student has missed 10 classes or 15% of instruction time, whether excused or not, he/she may be asked to drop the class.

The following attendance guidelines will apply:
• Medical and dental appointments are arranged outside school hours when possible.
• Students who have been absent for a school day may not participate in or attend intramural or co-curricular activities that same day.
• It is not acceptable to miss class to study for a test or work on an assignment.
• Dorm students must avoid leaving for home early and returning to school late at holiday times.
• Students are in their regularly scheduled classrooms with required books and equipment prior to the bell. Students failing to do so will be considered late. Two times late will be considered equal to an absence.
• Students who do not attend final exams will be required to provide a doctor’s note excusing them or they are at risk of receiving a zero.