Donor Stories
Donor Stories
Luther College is grateful for its many donors and supporters. Because of their continued generosity, students can receive scholarships and financial aid, our campus facilties can be upgraded and our programming can continue to provide students with quality education in a Christian context.
Here are a few of our donor's stories. We know they will inspire you too!

Merlis Belsher (HS'53)
On October 3, 2013, Luther College High School (LCHS) received the largest donation in its one hundred year history. During chapel, a press conference was held to announce that Luther College High School alumnus, Merlis Belsher (HS’53), had made a donation of $2.5 million to refurbish the current gymnasium and aid in the renewal and expansion project. The heritage gymnasium has been nam...

Gavin (HS'63) & Shaun Semple
On October 9, 2013, Dr. Bryan Hillis (U’78) announced that Gavin (HS’63) and Shaun Semple made a major donation of $1.75 million to build a new, state-of-the-art gymnasium.
“Shaun and I are pleased to provide $1,750,000 in financial support to Luther College through the Brandt ‘Thanks A Billion Program.’ The Semple Family have had a long-st...

Lilie (Wittrock) Farley (HS'52)
Lilie (Wittrock) Farley (HS’52) is a warm-hearted and practical person who takes a caring approach to life. Growing up on a small farm close to Regina, Saskatchewan and born in the middle of the Great Depression, she never felt she was poor in any way. Looking back, she realizes their family had few resources, but her parents were hard workers and thankful for what they had. She learned...

Reinhold & Ella Sommerfeld
Reinhold and Ella Sommerfeld gave a lifetime of dedicated service to Luther College. They both made a tremendous impact on the Luther community – their labours of love helped Luther evolve into the vital institution it is today. They shared a deep love for family and constantly lived out their values of personal integrity, deep faith and passionate work ethic.
Reinhold, better known as Re...

Walter (HS'51, HSU'52) & Greg Posehn (HS'78)
Walter Posehn (HS’51, HSU’52) grew up near Kronau, Saskatchewan during the Depression and war times. When he came to Luther in the fall of 1947, Walter recognised his good fortune. Not everyone his age enjoyed the privilege of pursuing academics. This realisation and his Luther experience influenced Walter throughout his life and likely inspired his philanthropic nature. &n...

Dr. Jim (HS’58) & Beth McHattie
Dr. Jim McHattie (HS’58) and his wife, Beth, are hardworking, community-minded and generous people. When asked why he gives to Luther, Dr. McHattie says, “I’ve been pretty fortunate to be healthy, to enjoy the work I’m doing and to be in a position to give back. Luther was a positive influence on me and my three sons. Luther is progressive. I see the good work it does...

Sharon Stuart
The warmth with which Sharon Stuart speaks of her time at Luther College High School (grades 9 to 11) says it all: “I remember the first day at Luther; that amazing feeling of being in a special environment filled with expectation and challenge.” Luther strives to ensure that every student is afforded with the sense that they are worthy and fully capable of great success in the world. ...

Soren Oberg (HS’88)
With the middle name “Luther,” Soren Oberg (HS’88) was destined to be part of the Luther College family. Given this name by his father, Larry, who was interning under teachers such as Bob Waters and Dick Stark at the High School teaching Math and Science, Soren knew at a very young age that he would be going to Luther. Ultimately, when his friends attended high school at Thom Col...

Dilawri Foundation
The Dilawri Foundation, established by cofounders Ajay, Tony and Kap Dilawri, gave a half-million dollar donation to Luther College High School. The donation will establish the Dilawri Award for Students of Promise for students of academic promise who would not otherwise be able to afford to attend Luther College High School due to financial constraints. As an alum, Ajay Dilawri has a st...

Karl (HS'73) & Kathy Tiefenbach (HS'76)
To say the Tiefenbachs have had a long connection to Luther College is an understatement.
Arnold Tiefenbach (HS’31) was amongst the first students to attend Luther College after it opened in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1926, and later returned in 1949 as Reverend Tiefenbach to be the Dean of Men and teacher of Religion, Science, and Latin. As a child, his son Karl Tiefenbach (HS’73, U&r...

Duane Schellenberg (HS’96)
With an older brother as an example, and a strong interest in basketball, Duane Schellenberg (HS’96) decided Luther College High School – and the “university track it puts you on” – was the right place for him.
Beyond the academic environment and high standards, Duane appreciated the strong support he received from faculty. “Teachers, coaches, and staff had a...

Dr. Lloyd Carlsen (HS’50, HSU’51)
A transformative force in the field of medicine and a generous supporter of Luther College, the now retired Dr. Niels Lloyd Carlsen (HS’50, HSU’51) remains as humble as ever, still referring to his younger self – with a laugh – as “an old farm boy.”
The farm life that so defined his boyhood was not destined to be his future. His pastor, Pastor Johansen, encou...

John Persson (HS'61)
Community is a foundational element of Luther College. It is a defining characteristic brought into existence by generation after generation of incredible individuals and their families: students, alumni, faculty and staff. John Persson (HS’61) is a perfect example.
John and his family are a core part of the Luther community, weaving in and out of every facet of Luther life. John was a stud...

Bob & Violet Jacob (HSU'56) & (HS'54, HSU'55)
Bob and Violet (Krell) Jacob of Winnipeg have built their lives around the biblical teaching: “Your first tenth is the Lord’s.” this is a reference to the act of “tithing” or giving the first 10 per cent of what you earn to do god’s work.
Through the years, this retired pastor and his wife, a former public health nurse, have made it their mission to support c...

Stacey Cattell (HS'84)
The Regina Pats are basking in the spotlight these days, as 15-year-old phenom Connor Bedard lights up the scoreboard and garners international press. The Pats’ Chief Operating Officer, Stacey Cattell (HS’84), beams with fatherly pride.
“All of our kids are special, but Connor Bedard has the star potential of a Connor McDavid [the Edmonton Oilers’ 24-year-old superstar c...

Corinne Norbraten (HS'78 & U'81)
It was a given that Corinne Norbraten (HS’78, U’81) would attend Luther College. “My parents are both alumni. I just assumed I would have the privilege of going. That was how it was put forward to my brothers and I: ‘Isn’t it exciting? As soon as you’re old enough, you can go to Luther!’” she says. “Luther is our school just like the Riders are...

Amber (Echelberger) MacLeod
Amber MacLeod began her most recent annual Christmas letter with the words, “I’m grateful, thankful, and blessed.” She began thinking about the many things she is grateful for, and her time at Luther College High School, where she attended grade 11 in 1945-46, is on the list. “My year at Luther provided the experiences and education that helped make me the person I am today...