Rev. Larry & Gail Fry (2022)

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Rev. Larry & Gail Fry (2022)

Few couples have been as influential on the life of Luther College High School as Larry and Gail Fry. They both served the College for 27 years, from 1987 to 2014.

Gail was a teacher of music and math, and the academic guidance counsellor from 1991 until she retired. She was the “mother”’ of the musical – having been its musical director for 20 years. She directed the Girls Choir from 1989 to 2003 and occasionally the Senior Choir as well. Mrs. Fry was known as a passionate teacher, mentor and role model, and a woman of faith. Former Principal Berbel Knoll said this about Gail: “Her encouragement to get involved in school life helped many students discover their talent, gain confidence, and build friendships. She challenged students to reach for their potential and left behind a legacy of excellence.” Larry was a teacher of Christian Ethics and English. He also served as Vice-Principal from 1996 to 2004. Pastor Fry was also the first officially appointed Chaplain of the High School starting in 2004 until he retired. In addition to those duties, he also coached the boys’ soccer team for 27 years. Principal Mark Anderson said this about Larry: “His supportive smile, his generosity of spirit, and his kind, wise words at Chapel and in the classroom have positively impacted the lives of many over his 27-year ministry at the school.”Even after retirement, the Fry’s are ambassadors for Luther, frequently attendingalumni events to catch up with former students, or travelling internationally to help recruit future Luther students. It’s no surprise at all to see Mrs. Fry tutoring a student or subbing for a current teacher, or even to attend Chapel and see Pastor Fry as the special guest speaker. They’re also known for their hospitality, hosting the annual faculty and staff potluck at their home.

The Fry’s three children are also Luther alumni– Rob (HS’06), Johanna (HS’03) and Michael (HS’01, U’05).