Dr. Morris Anderson (2012)

Did You Know?

  • Luther students can register in Arts, Science, or Media, Art, and Performance. Luther students are U of R students and receive a U of R degree.

  • Luther College students are U of R students and receive all the same benefits. Upon graduation you will receive a U of R degree.

  • Luther College students are eligible for nearly $100,000 in academic awards – in addition to scholarships and bursaries awarded by the U of R.

  • Luther College is recognized for its high standards of teaching, focused research, and one-on-one academic advising. We value and protect this heritage of excellence in scholarship, freedom of inquiry, and faithful seeking after truth.

  • The Luther Library has over 24,000 items in its collection, 5,000 books checked out per year, and 7,000 students who come through its door per month.

  • Luther College appeals to students who want to study in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment. We welcome students of all faiths, ethnicities, backgrounds, religions, genders, and sexual orientations.

  • Every degree program at Luther College offers a study abroad option and an optional experiential learning component where you gain real world experience and get paid while going to school!

  • Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, welcomes residents from ALL post-secondary institutions in Regina. Rooms come with a meal plan, free laundry, free wi-fi, and a great sense of community.

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Dr. Morris Anderson (2012)

After attending the University of Saskatchewan, Morris Anderson came to Luther College in the 1950’s to teach English. Following Rex Schneider’s retirement as Principal and President of Luther College, Morris took the Principal’s chair from 1964 to 1974, eventually assuming the Presidency in 1974.

In addition to being tasked with the planning for the new University campus, for which the cornerstone was laid in 1971, Morris established the development function of the College, building a fundraising programme that made it possible for Luther to survive without a church subsidy.

After leaving Luther in 1986 to serve as President of Augustana College in Camrose, Alberta, he returned in 1987 to staff the position of Director of Development, and in that capacity led the fundraising campaigns for the new classroom wing at the High School and for the new wing at the University, which was named in Morris’ honour.

In 1994, Morris again filled a gap, this time in a period of financial crisis, in the position of acting President. He served for one year before handing the reins over to incoming President Richard Hordern.

Morris was an important part of many Luther fundraising campaigns, both as a staff member and a volunteer, and this is particularly true of the Spirit Campaign that began in 2000.

For many, Morris was the heart and the hands of the College, and he always viewed his involvement with Luther as his life’s calling. Morris knows and cares about every Luther staff member, and their families and children, as well as so many of the alumni and their families.