Homecoming Attendees

People Who Will Attend

Only attendees who have opted to have their name displayed on the website appear on this list.

Richard Haack ‘64
Bob Steadward ‘64
Warren Ring ‘73
Jock Anderson ‘74
Susan (Anderson) Gatin ’74
Ed Kinzel ‘74
Laurel Mattison ‘74
Brenda Selzer ‘74
Jane Fedoruk ‘74
Barbara (Goebel) Waldbauer ‘74
Barbara Pittroff ‘74
Riva Nelson ‘74
Janet (Ursel) Di Giacomo ‘74
Linda (Husum) Brookes ‘74
Carmen Johnson ‘79
Carla Pitzel ‘84
Mark Tiefenbach ‘90
Jurgen Maslaney ‘94
Jessica Rezunyk ‘94
Stephanie Backman ‘94
Kelly Butz ‘99
Robert Davis ‘04
Graham Quick ‘07
Phillip Schaefer ‘14
Brydan Sigurdson ‘14

Retired Faculty Attendees:
Russ Husum
Berbel (Guenzel) Knoll
Larry Fry
Gail Fry

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